Art inspired from World of Warcraft

Stealthy Rogue

Rogue being all stealthy. Staying the the dark, and blah blah blah!!! Was very close to maybe adding a tile or stone floor but I think this is good enough. Maybe will add it in later and keep it in my personal stuff or just update later. WHO KNOWS!?!


So with Easter coming up next month I have a special pic that the lovely Cymre hopefully will be using for special whatever she usually does or maybe just a little banner love for the month. Again, WHO KNOWS!?!… well she knows. But I will have it as well on this site for viewing. Feel free to comment and critic my stuff. Seriously, I won’t bite.

Comments on: "Stealthy Rogue" (8)

  1. I like it πŸ™‚

  2. Sneaky indeed and I will be using your Easter pic for sure! πŸ™‚

  3. Scary, sneaky guy!

  4. I love this! I see him as creeping down a damp, cobblestone tunnel. Maybe with a trickle of flowing water, like a damp storm sewer type thing. You don’t know me, I found this blog by participating in a recent Liebster award thing, and saw your artwork on Cymre’s site. I used to dabble with a tablet and Paint Shop Pro but I’m not any good so am in awe of people who can turn out art like yours. I’m glad I found this site and look forward to spending more time here gawking. Noritam from My Mom Plays WoW.

    • Really appreciate the comment! Truthfully, I as well, am still new to all this and learning new techniques by checking out videos, artists, etc… Glad you really like my work.
      If out of all the art media in the world give me a paint brush and some oil paint, that is my forte! =)

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